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I'll comment on points not covered in my response...

On 2010-10-12 8:38 AM, Harold Fuchs wrote:
The following comments apply to Windows only and are things I'd like
to see

1. A single installation program, probably a .msi file that the user 
downloads and executes. There must be a clear instruction up front
that the user must install the software as an Administrator.

This would also be a first step toward full GPO support, which should be
high on the priority list, as that is one lack that prevents many large
corporations from rolling it out.

So, +10

The installation process must clearly inform the user, in detail, 
about any item that is not inheritable. The information provided must
clearly identify the item in question, must state a user-oriented
reason (no hex codes please!) and, if possible, make suggestions as
to where a newer version can be obtained.

Sounds like a lot of work for little gain - and most prefs fully
carry-over already...

5. It must be possible for the user to run the installed software as a
limited (restricted) user.

Doesn't that work now?

6. It must be possible for the installation to be for "this user" (the
installer), "all users" or named users.

Same here - I thought the first two already work that way - and I really
don't see a need for the third option - does *any* other program provide
such an option?

7. There must be a properly documented procedure for "silent" installation
over a network so that company Admins can install the software for the
company's users.

+1 - including fine-grained support for controlling file associations.


Best regards,


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