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I don't feel like there are many Mac users talking about Mac issues on this list right now, but I 
know we're numerous, at least based on downloading statistics through the project history. To be 
thorough, here's my impression on installing for the Mac.

On Oct 9, 2010, at 5:23 PM, Scott Furry wrote:
From what we have heard on this topic so far:

- Mac users have commented that they do not have an issue with the current installer available on 
the Mac platform.

I'd like to clarify my previous comments here. The current installer works very well, but an 
incremental updater would be an even better option, if it allowed for smaller and quicker downloads 
and a background update process. (I see many users who simply don't update their software or forget 
to check for new versions, and Firefox and Chrome seem to have addressed this problem effectively 
with their auto updaters.)

This survey is to gauge the views of the LibreOffice community on the install/update method of 
LibreOffice. Please voice your opinion so that these considerations may be taken into account 
when the LibreOffice method of install/update is studied by the developer team. Please 
*bottom-post* your opinions.

How do you expect LibreOffice to be updated?

In an approach that is as platform-native as possible. The current Mac installer uses a disk image 
(.dmg) approach, which is exactly right for first installation.

How do you Install/Update LibreOffice?

Currently, I download and install from the site. When upgrading, I simply overwrite the previous 
application bundle in OS X's Applications folder.

What do you expect when Installing/Updating LibreOffice?

To me, state-of-the-art software updating on OS X is an automatic, background updating mechanism 
that only requires the user to restart the application (and approve an update), at which point 
updates will be applied.

Other programs have separate updating programs (iTunes being an example), if it was technically 
feasible, would having a separate install program for LibreOffice (with updating features) be 
useful to you?

I find this concept very intriguing, and I think it could be the first step to a really cool app 
I've long wanted to see: if we band together with several other major FLOSS apps and build a 
unified installer/updater for Windows and Mac users, we could bring some of the advantages of 
Linux's package management systems to these platforms. Then, say, a user downloads Firefox or 
LibreOffice, and the updater application comes along with it. The package manager could help them 
update this application any time necessary, and it would also be able to suggest other apps they 
might like. Each FLOSS app could benefit from increased exposure, essentially "piggybacking" on the 
success of its siblings. I'd love to discuss this in greater depth, though it may be OT for this 
specific thread. 

Would having a download and update site, as well as a Unix|Linux package repository site, be of 
value to you?

Yes, though I'm not sure exactly what this would do.


Benjamin Horst
646-464-2314 (Eastern)

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