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Hi all,
On 30/03/2011 09:34, Stefan Weigel wrote:

Am 29.03.2011 17:12, schrieb aqualung:

Obviously, all francophone users will pronounce LibreOffice one way...
according to the pronunciation conventions of their language.

The rest of the world, unless they have been exposed to French by learning
it as a second language, will have no idea.
What about the poeple around the world who sometimes enjoy a Cuba
Libre? :-D

There are many other languages that would pronounce LibreOffice very
similar to the french. But that´s not the point.

Before a recommended pronunciation is posted on a web page, agreement on a
particular one would have to be reached first.
Again, every participant is free to pronounce it the way she/he
likes. For me, there is nothing wrong with different pronunciation
by people with different native tongue.

Of course, since questions about the pronunciation come up, there
can be a web page with examples of common and maybe different
pronunciations. But that should be examples rather than
recommendations or even an official rule, IMO.
Yes, that was my proposal, give an example, butletting peopletake ownership ofthe"music"ofthe wordseems to memostimportantthanthe accuracyof aFrenchpronunciation(for a word that is not specifically French).
Kind regards

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