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On 10/20/2010 11:59 AM, Charles Marcus wrote:

That is not instructions on how to unsubscribe, that is instructions on
how to send a message to get a 'help' response that will include
instructions on how to unsubscribe (*and* subscribe, and a bunch of
other stuff), and because it is so long, many people will simply not
read it (I do user support for 60+ users in our office, I know how users
are). At least the unsub instructions are first, but still...

I have little sympathy for anyone not being able to unsubscribe if they aren't willing to actually read the first 12 words (!) of the message coming back from discuss+help. It's not rocket science. You send an unsubscribe request, and then you confirm it. And the links are pre-made to do it, so it's really just two mouse clicks. This set up is the same as for thousands of other mailing lists, and I honestly don't know how it could get any simpler.
What about a single-question-mail?
A User clicks this button on the website and he/she gets just his own thread about this one question no others.
In this mail included are two buttons in the kind of:
~ "thanks, my question is answered"
~ "I need more information"
After clicking the first button (question answered), this user is eliminated in the list and gets no further mails.
With the second button the thread continues.


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