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"Larry Gusaas" <> wrote in message news:i9lgl4$a59$
On 2010/10/19 4:27 PM  Jon Hamkins wrote:
On 10/19/2010 10:55 AM, Larry Gusaas wrote:
Wrong. The purpose of gmane is to receive and write messages with a
newsreader rather than an email client.

Oh, please.

1. This purpose is *also* not defeated by having to be subscribed to the mailing list.

Gmane states on
"Status    posting allowed".
There should not be a need to nor is the requirement stated that you need to subscribe to the mailing list as well. Someone going to that page may decide to post to this list through Gmane. They reply to the confirmation message they receive from Gmane but their post never appears on the group. What is there opinion going to be of LibreOffice then?

2. Gmane offers more than NNTP, it has a web interface too.

Yes it does. Your original statement was "The purpose is to be able to read and write messages on a web forum". You said nothing about NNTP

The first method mentioned for reading the archive is *on the web*. Whether one chooses to read from the web or as a newsgroup via NNTP is beside the point.

The primary purpose of Gmane is to make email lists available through NNTP. See

"This is what Gmane offers. Mailing lists are funneled into news groups. This isn't a new idea; several mail-to-news gateways exist. What's new with Gmane is that no messages are
   ever expired from the server, and the gateway is bidirectional"

In fact, for many people, if they read via NNTP, they are still using their mail client. Thunderbird, Outlook Express, etc. are mail clients that have built-in newsreading capabilities (and RSS for that matter).

I use a newsgroup reader. The fact that Thunderbird is also an email client is irrelevant.

If this message gets through then I think I've found what seems to be the only way, at the moment at least, to read *and* write the TDF lists via Gmane using an (NNTP) News reader: 1. Subscribe an e-mail address of your choice to the "nomail" version of the TDF list. You do this by sending an e-mail to where "xxx" is the name of the lists - users, discuss, announce, whatever. As usual, you will get back a confirmation request to which you must reply.
2. Subscribe the same e-mail address to your Gmane news account.

As I say, if this gets through then the above works.

I'm going to wait and see if it does get through before commenting further.

Harold Fuchs
London, England

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