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On Mon, 2011-04-18 at 20:15 -0400, Jason Corfman wrote:
From my perspective, there are two major forums, and if you
ask me, right now, neither are very good alternatives.

The first is While it is a
community forum, it was set up back in 2007 on (then) Sun servers, which are
currently controlled by Oracle. Considering last week's announcement from
Oracle about turning over to the community, you have to
wonder how long Oracle will allow that forum to be hosted on their servers,
and if it gets booted off, where will it go?
Hi Jason,

I think that is precisely what prompted Ricardo to venture over here and
ask the question he did - he and some of others where looking to reach
out and see if this group might be willing to step in if that happened -
It didn't go so well. 

so - If you think that neither of the OO.o forums are good alternatives
what would you suggest? 

Also - There is already ancillary forums going up that are LibreOffice
specific, or at least carry the LibO name, two are German language only
(one straight phpBB and one a Joomla mod) and one multi language (a
Drupal mod), including English and German for that matter, so three
German language web forums already . 


Drew Jensen

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