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Hi aqualung, *,

aqualung schrieb:

Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
But there are existing LibreOffice and OpenOffice forums. I still
don't get the point.
Why aren't the users of LibreOffice being told about them?
Whom do You accuse here? is the Help page. Let's see what it
For user support, we have:
    * Mailing lists: the user support mailing list address is our
main channel for LibreOffice users needing help with a problem
[...]index. * IRC channels: come chat with us live on IRC at [...] * FAQs: we are compiling a list of
frequently-asked questions. [...] * Documentation: Check our
documentation download page [...] * System requirements: Read the
system requirements [...] * Installation instructions: [...]
    * Accessibility information: Read these accessibility tips [...]
That's it!
The should be at or near
the top. It's not anywhere on the page!
What did You *act* to get it there?

Why haven't you approached
that forum's management to discuss integration with LibreOffice
(including branding and design)?
Whom do You ask? This question is one You should ask yourself: Why
haven't *You* approached to do so?

What is this if not a sign of
extreme disregard for the wants and needs of ordinary people using
the software, most of  whom are uncomfortable with, or resistant to,
using IRC or mailing lists?
indeed! *You* did notice that issue and what was *Your* action?

Again: whom do You accuse? Who should act, if not You?

I'm afraid that's what Free and Open Source Software is exactly about.
An Open Source Software community is a place to *act* rather than


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