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I have been learning most of the answers through this email list, which is, of course, the reason I 
joined it in the first place. Because there wasn't anything to learn on the web page. But now my 
inbox is inundated with mail, and I shouldn't have had to subscribe to this crazy list to find out 
what is going on between OOo and LO. The amount of mail on this list would be overwhelming to a lot 
of users looking for answers. Which would probably turn them off to LO right off the bat. I know it 
has me, at least for now. Maybe by the time there is an actual product called LibreOffice, y'all 
will have figured out that I'm not the only one that would like to know a little about what all is 
going on with Oracle/OOo/LO. And it would be better to learn about all that just by reading it from 
a web page rather than having a mailbox running over. Like someone else has already said in one of 
the emails about all that there is on the web page is a lot of self praising, back patting, and att
 a boys.
Roxy Robinson

On 10/18/2010 07:27 PM, Roxy Robinson wrote:
You just don't get it - the web page is the problem. There is nothing there to learn.

Is there something you are trying to find out?  I am willing to help you
learn the answers.


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