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Am 31.10.2011 11:46, schrieb Florian Effenberger:

Spiff wrote on 2011-10-31 10:27:
The only really strange thing is what happens when I try the Supportex
mirror, as I said.
this one doesn't work for me at all at the moment (timeout). Can
anyone confirm?
At 12:15 UTC +01:00 I had no error and no problem downloading from
Supportex to Switzerland I had full DL-Speed and fast response. (ipv4,
FF and IE)
If I did read correct we still missing a response form the Supportex
Mirror Admin.
There some known "Problem" with the Mirror:
1. Not working AAAA record in DNS (or not working ipv6 configuration of
the Server)
2. No resume support and no Size telling over http (is this necessary or
not for mirroring LO?)
3. A download start delay for 1 person. (Any security mechanism to delay
some downloads from some networks/hosts? Or similar Problem on the
Reporter side(a Proxy working with IPv6 ?)?)

1. The Mirror Admin of Supportex should be contacted.
2. AFAIK it is not written that its needed
3. It is possible that this Problem is resolved when the AAAA record is
corrected. Before that I would report it with the first to the Mirror
Admin if he knows a possibility.

Greetings Florian

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