Alex Tykhonov wrote:
We have temporarily disabled IPv6 for the mirror, so the problem should be
Anyway we'll check IPv6 and reply soon.
Thank you for pointing out the issue.
Best regards,
Alex Tykhonov, outsourced Linux support
Thank you, Alex,
But to me the problem is still the same.
I tested a couple of minutes ago.
I checked both 3.3.4 and 3.4.3 via the Supportex mirror, again.
With IE9 on Vista SP2 32 bit, over IPv4,
again, it took over three minutes(!!) for the Internet Explorer download
manager popup to appear, offering to Run/Save/Cancel the download. Just like
before you disabled IPv6 for the mirror.
(But as mentioned before: Trying any other mirror or any other download the
Internet Explorer download manager appears instantly(!) without any delay.)
So there's still something wrong, somehow.
The fact that I encounter this issue only(!) with the Supportex mirror, and
with not any(!) other download, seems to point to some weird issue with the
Supportex mirror.
But still, I cannot yet rule out some involvement from my internet security
application, even though such an involvement would be very peculiar, as the
issue only(!) occurs with the Supportex mirror, and with no other mirror and
with not any other download.
I'm still waiting for the analysis from the company that provides my
internet security product. But as the person who's handling this issue is
absent today, it will be until tomorrow before I'll get more information.
Best regards,
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- Re: [tdf-mirrors] Re: [libreoffice-website] Re: LibreOffice: Dubious download behavior LO on Windows/IE ? (continued)
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