For the Netherlands, there are two LibreOffice download mirrors, the mirror and the mirror.
The NLUUG mirror works just excellent (as do all other European and World
mirrors that I tried), but not(!) the Supportex mirror.
When redirects the Dutch user not to
the NLUUG mirror but to the Supportex mirror, or when the Supportex mirror
is chosen from the mirrorlist page (via "Get details (md5sum,...)"), a very
peculiar download behavior occurs. It then takes a long(!) time till finally
the Internet Explorer download manager popup window ('Run/Save/Cancel')
appears, offering the download.
First I thought the download wasn't offered at all (while nevertheless there
was all kind of network, anti-virus, HDD and CPU action), but recently I
found out that when you wait a long(!) time the download is finally offered
with the IE download manager to pop up.
The LibreOffice download from the Supportex mirror is the only(!) download I
ever encountered that shows that strange kind of download behavior.
You can try it for yourself, using this download link:
I use Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 32 bit (Dutch) with Internet Explorer
(first IE8, now IE9) (Dutch).
I don't know whether browser and OS are of relevance in this issue.
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