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2012/9/13 Marc Paré <>

Hi everyone,

I was just re-reading the TDF Statutes web page[1] and would like to
suggest that a small group of us review the EN version (translation) from
the point of view of syntax, form and readability.

I have already made a few spelling corrections on the page, but I find
that it is in need of a review as it does not read well at all. I am taking
into account that this is a translation from the legal DE version and that
it is written in "legalese".

I believe the EN document needs close attention as most visitors to the
site who are serious in documenting our "Charter and Statutes" are offered
this document which I find could be improved while still maintaining the
integrity of the original DE text.

If we could have 4-5 of us, at least on DE member who is familiar (or who
want to be familiar with the DE document). We could put the text on a wiki
page (temporarily) and work with the corrections/improvements from there.
This should not take long.

I would also ask if Jean Hollis-Weber could help out with this if she has
time. The text needs some TLC from the point of view of punctuation,
syntax, form and all that is of EN grammatical rules.

This document is especially important to the project. We need to get this
page right. It defines who we are and how we do it.




 Marc, I don't know how exclusive you intend to be with your reference to
«a small group of us», but I'd be happy to help in refining the
English-language text....


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