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So you're suggesting that we make a mailing list of ideas/feature requests?
Doesn't that seem like it should belong on a forum or a web-site where
people can submit ideas, and vote on them? If we had one of these, I would
be glad to submit a few ideas.

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Sean Carlos <> wrote:

Peter Hillier-Brook wrote the following on 09/29/2010 02:39 PM:

 On 29/09/2010 13:23, Joe Rotello wrote:

 Suggestions for LibreOffice...most are general area ideas or
perceived needs.

NOT yet listed in any order of what might need to be done first,
second, etc.:

1. Libre users, both new Libre users or those coming over from
OpenOffice 3.2.x, NEED to know just where Libre is, compared to
OpenOffice 3.2.x...Is Libre built ON Ooo 3.2.x ? Is Libre branching
off from Ooo 3.2.x ? Does Libre have all the same functions
(separate applications) that

Alredy, we can see that Libre has a few features that are not seen
in Ooo 3.2.x, and that seems to be a good sign of Libre progress.

Unless Libre users, both new Libre users or those coming over from
OpenOffice 3.2.x, have an idea of just where Libre sits right now,
then likely confusing situations may develop, if not already.

Strongly seconded! Whilst it would be desirable for Oracle to join the
club, it would be naive to expect them to and thus we will have a de
facto fork. Some knowledge of the baseline and the development resources
available to the Foundation would provide encouragement to current OO.o
supporters and potential new users.

Peter HB


FYI, I see version OOO330m7 (Build:9526) in the "About" information; the
current Oracle release for the 3.3 version is OOO330m9.

- Sean

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