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Tom Davies wrote on 2013-05-16 08:09:

There are a whole bunch of us that are new here and we are still trying to find the optimal 

hope I can help here a bit.

Anne's seems to make sense to me but obviously people that have been here longer either
1.  don't mind duplicating each others work a lot of the time or
2.  they have some cunning way of "magically knowing" when someone else has moderated a message.

Some of us noobs here can't believe it's number 1 but it does seem like that might be the case.  I 
assumed Simos' suggestion was a joke made through frustration.  Once we understand it better things 
should settle down and we might be able to help other noobs more easily in the future.

Please do *not* forward messages you have moderated, particularly those you have rejected, to others.

It adds more amount of work to them and fills their inboxes. Plus, in case you forward spam messages that also contain the LibreOffice URL (e.g. via the +reject address), you definitely risk that our (!) mail server is blocked for forwarding spam, or rather some of our URLs for appearing in spam e-mails.

This risk is not just a theory - it happened several times in the past.

Please just moderate a message through or reject it, that's it. Very easy. ;-)


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