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Is it possible to get the senders to perform an extra task, like clicking a
link in order to verify that the e-mail is not spam, then we can check
whether it was indeed spam or not?


On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 10:50 PM, V Stuart Foote <>wrote:

From: Tom Davies []
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 2:38 PM
I still have emails in my email client telling me to do something to
posts that i know have already been dealt with.

Exactly, the moderation steps are to either pass the message through or to
reject it, who ever gets it done first has completed the action.  The crud
left in the in one's inbox can pretty much be ignored--and no point or need
to letting the other moderators know what has been touched.

There are other "moderation" mechanisms (not in use for these TDF and FDO
mail lists) where one has to log onto a server, and clear the queue there.
 A fair bit more involved, but you know a message has not been processed by
its presence on the list.

With this system, just pass it through if appropriate or reject it if not.
 A little extra work for the cadre of moderators, but doesn't require much
effort in any case.  It is perfectly fine to ignore and delete incoming
messages that are likely to have already been processed should  you be late
getting back to your queue.



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