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Hi Florian, *,

Am 29.10.2011 13:23 schrieb Florian Effenberger:
Friedrich Strohmaier wrote on 2011-10-27 18:44:

Agreed. But before changing anything, I'll go and look to make the
posting guidelines more descriptive in terms of making essential
information available instantly. I'll come back here, when done. If
anyone want's to participate the work - welcome! :o)).
Ok. Then let's stick with that:
- We'll test it out on a general list like discuss@ to see the results.
- I will do that change as soon as you ping me that you have the posting
guidelines rewritten.

- If it works for discuss, we can apply it to all lists.

- If not, let's only apply it for those lists with experts on it, like
Do we have one not matching that criterium? ;o))

Michael asked.
Sadly I never saw his answer on that.

Sounds like a deal?
*check* :o))

Friedrich Strohmaier
- Admin team -
The Document Foundation

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