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On 30/10/2011 14:15, Riccardo Losselli wrote:
Thank you, Ricky,
But my internet connection is over IPv4 only, no IPv6 yet.
So I suppose that eliminates that explanation for the issue that I
experience with the Supportex mirror.

May be not... depending on what is your windows version it may try to use some v6 to v4 translation mechanism (like Teredo) even if you never asked it to.. simple check, of your connection is v4 only and don't need v6 at all go into the network properties and disable ipv6, then try again.

PS: i just tried on 7 with ipv6 enabled - i do have v6 connectivity though - and can reproduce your issue. It waits for some time (10 seconds, 20 seconds or so), than start downloading, and it's because of v6 unreachability of the site.

v6 wont work unless the server supports it as well.


Jonathan Aquilina

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