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Good morning

On 01/26/2011 09:13 AM, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
For the DVD's why not instead of pulling them to the mirrors offer them
as torrents?

1) To lower the bar for ppl to install LibreOffce I'd not JUST do
torrent. Most endusers prefer a click to download something, sometimes a
firewall/proxy even forbids anything else but HTTP downloads.

2) If torrents are done, they could be backed by a few high bandwidth
webservers (mirrors then) via http seeds. This would always give you
quite fast downloads and still saves some bandwidth on the mirrors.

3) With adaption of LibreOffice from more and more Linux distros the
direct downloads will then go to the package repos of those distros.

4) Currently I don't see much bandwith from tdf though ... why not worry
about it if one can see results from changes (like introducing torrents
when there are LOTS of big downloads from DVD-ISOs). Also the use of
mirrorbrain sends users to the "closest" mirror, so it's not traffic
being sent around the world all the time.



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