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On 8/1/11 6:03 PM, Larry Gusaas wrote:
On 2011/08/01 3:42 PM  Ken Springer wrote:
You're a Mac user, how far back do you go with Mac's?
I switched to a Mac five years ago and will never go back to the dark side.
Ditto, although I keep inching towards doing some experimenting with a Linux distro or two. But, that's low on the priority list at the moment. Since OS X is based on Unix/Linux, it could help me learn the "behind they curtains" aspects of OS X.
Mail sent from unsubscribed posters goes to the moderators and may then be posted. No guaranties though.
And since everyone is a volunteer.......   :-(
With a new address you should receive a confirmation email from Gmane that you have to reply to before the post is forwarded to LO. That is why I suggested checking your spam folders.
There was never a thing in my spam folder in TB from GMANE, nor anything caught in the incoming mail filters provided by, the ISP for Wordworks.
I just made a test. I changed the email address listed in TB's Account Settings for Gmane. I then sent a message to this list. I got a reply from Gmane asking me to reply to confirm that I exist before the message would be sent to LO.
For some reason you are not seeing the messages from Gmane when 
sending from your new address.
Rather puzzling, isn't it?
It still sounds like you either haven't responded to or haven't received the confirmation email from Gmane. It may have been caught by spam filters somewhere before it got to you.
That does assume there's no issue at GMANE itself.  See below.
Here is a suggestion. Do you have another email address you could use? (I use gmail addresses for all the newsgroup and email lists I follow)
I have seemingly thousands of email addresses to use! LOL Actually, the Qwest gives me as many as 10 addresses, some of which I used. I've always planned on using a Qwest email address for LO/GMANE once the issue has been resolved.
If so subscribe to the no mail version of this list using another address:
For the moment, I've subscribed to the mail version of the user list. LO confirmation process is done, now just waiting for someone to post something to make sure it works. :-)
Then, I'll make the GMANE message, and change the mailing list to the no 
mail version.
Hopefully this would work for you. I have no more ideas why you aren't getting a reply from Gmane after changing to your Wordworks address.
Cross your fingers.

At least TB is now doing a reasonable job of formatting a text only message from the HTML replies.


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