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Hi Pedro, all,

it seems that you didn't get the real messages:

1) Charles doesn't insist in keeping embedded fonts our of ODF

2) Dennis Hamilton already told everybody here how such a goal
could be achieved (by a working implementation).

3) Several people (including OASIS TC members) mentioned quite
important problems on the way towards such an implementation.

4) In the eyes of the most community members taking part in this thread there are other - much more urgent - topics where they want to spend their time with.
So please stop repeating your statements and allege that TDF members 
wouldn't know about the basics of ODF.
If you want such a feature become true, create a team working on this 
topic, solve the restrictions pointed to by different people and find / 
convince / pay one or more developer to work on such an implementation.
I could imagine an extension linking shipped fonts to the product to use 
them in addition to the fonts already present on the OS and adding the 
fonts used in a document to the document's structure.
But I'm not a developer and I didn't see any developer raising his hand 
here in this thread.
If this topic is the most important to you, you will find people to join 
you in maintaining the work.
But you really need to start working - repeated discussions will not 
lead anywhere but to frustration on all sides...
plino schrieb:

I think that TDF members are failing to see that LibreOffice documents are
expected to be editable.


If ODF is the file format for LibreOffice then it must support all
requirements for all the LibreOffice applications. We are not talking about
the word processor only (Writer)
ODF will never support *all* requirements for each of the LibreOffice 
There are always compromises - based on computing time, concurring 
issues, file size, development resources and so on.
But as LibreOffice is a meritocracy it's easy to raise awareness on your 
favorite issue: Just implement it (or have it implemented) in a way that 
doesn't break any other part of the program. If all the external 
criteria are met too, it is very likely that you will be applauded for 
your work!
Best regards


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