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On 2010-10-21 1:10 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:
Charles Marcus wrote on 2010-10-20 14.08:
Well, as a blanket statement that isn't true of mailman...

One example:

MM3 is going to be mucho better in this regard...

at least with the current Mailman stable release (2.1), we would have to
use a shared password per list, and this doesn't scale well. Moderation
via e-mail is much more comfortable, but that feature is not available
at least in current Mailman stable versions. Same is true for virtual
domains - Mailman 2.x doesn't allow the same list name in two domains
(e.g. discuss@de and discuss@fr). Therefore, going with Mailman at the
moment doesn't sound like an option.

All true and understood... but since MM3 will address all of these
issues (and then some), I think it should be a part of the future plans
(to migrate the lists to it once it is released and stable)... but thats
only because I'm partial to it... :)


Best regards,


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