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Il 20/10/2010 5.46, M. Fioretti ha scritto:
The real question was "why didn't the TDF founders who have/had
official roles in OOo publicly resign from those roles on Sept 28th,
one second BEFORE announcing the birth of TDF? Would'nt it have been
much more proper, considering that creating TDF is basically saying in
public "the way Oracle is handling OOo sucks so much that we can't
take it anymore"? Why all this surprise now?"

Formally, and form is important in this matter, TDF *will be* a new legal entity that Oracle could want to join. And an offer in such sense has been made.

An official answer is still missing.

Among gentlemen, any question needs an answer, doesn't it?

Well, I wouldn't have gone public with LibO project without having the legal structure of the Foundation in existence, because its absence generates several practical problems in these months, but that's just my opinion, of course.

Nevertheless, the initial wait without resigning from OOo Community Council and other offices, it's perfectly coherent, IMO, with that initial approach and request.

And that request *had* to be done, because of Oracle's role in OOo project, although the answer, now implicit in its actual actions, was rather foreseeable by everybody, anyway.
Gianluca Turconi

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