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First post detailing a specific feature -- the menu:

2010/10/15 Marc Paré <>

Le 2010-10-15 14:43, Jon Hamkins a écrit :

 On 10/15/2010 11:25 AM, Marc Paré wrote:

Le 2010-10-15 03:11, Jon Hamkins a écrit :

On 10/14/2010 03:03 PM, Mirek M. wrote:

Hi everyone,
Since it seems like LibreOffice won't adopt the UI Oracle's preparing
OOo, I'm starting a massive LibreOffice UI proposal series. Here's the

Given the prevalence of wide screen displays, I always wondered why the
tool bars are often placed on the top and bottom. It's seems more
logical to place them on the left or right, where there is more space.

 Let's not forget that many users in developing countries do not have
access to large screens. 17inch screens are still very much in use and
sometimes smaller. I don't think that this group of users need to be
marginalised by more expensive hardware considerations.

Actually, I was also thinking of small screens. I have a 13" laptop, but
it is widescreen - by which I mean the aspect ratio is 16:9, not 4:3. It
really cuts into the available working height of a document when there
is a title bar, a menu bar, a couple of rows of tool bars, a horizontal
scroll bar, a bottom tool/zoom bar, and possibly a ruler.

Currently, the toolbars are movable to the sides, which helps me a lot.
I hope any new UI for LibO keeps this kind of flexibility.


Sorry, I had forgotten to mention the obvious, laptops.

Thanks for the input.


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