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Hi Florian, *,

Am 23.10.2011 16:51 schrieb Florian Effenberger:
Friedrich Strohmaier wrote on 2011-10-20 23:25:


I nevertheless support to do that change due to the above stated risk.

the question is, what exactly do we want to have. Shall I simply
disabling the removal of user-added reply-to headers, or shall I also
disable the addition of reply-to: list?

For scenario 1, if mlmmj does what it is supposed to, the default
reply-to header would be set to the list, but any user-created reply-to
header would be *added* to that, i.e. does not get lost like it does not.

My vote:
leave user added reply-to alone, don't set reply-to $list.

So simply "answer" will answer the author wherever she likes, "answer to
list" will do as described. And both will do as intended.

Friedrich Strohmaier
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