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Hi Christian, *,

put this on the public list as it is of public interest ;o)).

Am 12.03.2012 17:48 schrieb Christian Lohmaier:
On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 5:02 PM, Friedrich Strohmaier
<> wrote:

[.. LiBO bittorrent downloads ..]

I wonder how those downloads are tracked for the downlaod statistic.

I'm not sure whether torrents are currently included in the
download-stats, but they would be counted just like regular downloads,
as donwloads of the .torrent file is handled via mirrorbrain.
I think it is safe to assume that people won't download the torrents
by visiting the tracker.

Agreed, but while syncing the opposite problem might occur..

What is the recommended way to get the torrent files up to date:

- Downloading them via wget?
- Syncing them via rsync?

rsync won't work, as they are "virtual".

Valid for rsync but working with wget. The file's links *do* exist and
can be downloaded via wget, wich admittedly has to be tweaked

It worked here for the ISO files issueing:
wget -P ~/<local_dir> -nc -np -nd -nv -ErA "*.torrent","*.mirrorlist"

(created by mirrorbrain on-the-fly).
While the tracker also has a copy of the torrents, it is not the
recommended way to get them from the tracker.

O.K. Indeed they contain information of "nearby" seeders which depend on
your location..

A combination of rsync and wget will be the best fit. i.e. retrieve
the list of files via rsync, and then use wget to get the file with an
appended ".torrent" from

But issues might arise while syncing, done by a cronjob. If for example
you want sync 4 times an hour (as I intended to) then 4 times an hour
the torrent files are downloaded - and thus counted as download. This
might affect stats significantly.


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