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On 12/03/2012 17:57, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:
Hi Jonathan, *,

Am 12.03.2012 17:27 schrieb Jonathan Aquilina:
On 12/03/2012 17:02, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:
I'm about to participate distributing the DVD ISO files via bittorrent
on my private Server.
I wonder how those downloads are tracked for the downlaod statistic.
What is the recommended way to get the torrent files up to date:
- Downloading them via wget?
- Syncing them via rsync?
Does any of the above have side effects for the statistics?

I dont know if there is an automatic way to do it but it involves one
making the torrent, you need to add a tracker etc
All this is done. You can download the torrent files via the download

either click "Torrent" of each file or, if You want to seed all files,
click "Info" at the same place which shows all relevant info for the
file including hashes to check integrity. Also shown in the browsers
address line is the path of the file in the distribution file system.

and get people seeding it. If you put together a torrent I am more
then willing to help by seeding.
So the question is *how* to get the files for seeding rather than *if*

My question was about the preferred way of syncing to get the recent
files - the one without bad impact for the statistics.

My apologies on my misunderstanding. Was not aware that torrents were easily available :) but I am more then glad to help seed such a great project :).

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