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Hi Imre,

 # rsync rsync://
drwxr-xr-x        4096 2010/09/26 19:11:14 .
drwxr-xr-x        4096 2010/09/27 00:36:04 libreoffice

Open since more than one hour, and already propagated to most of the mirrors. Are you sure you 
transfer the permissions?


Le 28.09.2010 à 10:10, Imre Gergely a écrit :
I see it's out. But after an hour, bits still don't get flipped when
sync'ing from rsync:// .

On 09/28/2010 01:55 AM, Peter Pöml wrote:
Dear mirror admins!

A quick heads-up: 
The announcement is planned for tomorrow morning (Tuesday), 9:00 CEST.

(That's 3am in New York, 3pm in Bejing, or 5pm in Sydney.)

That'll also be when we open the "libreoffice" directory, which is now still closed. Feel free 
to switch the mode locally once you see the news spreading! But that's certainly not a must. It 
will also happen by itself, after all.

Great to have you here, and share this exciting moment with you!
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Imre Gergely
ISP Support Engineer
UPC Romania
28 Dostoievski St., 400424 Cluj-Napoca
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