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I really do not believe this is necessary, maybe they want so for
advertisement or something like that, because mirror brain is very efficient
with the rating system and the geographical download.
Also, I think that if your let the user decide where to download, it would
only make the process more slow and less intuitive.
Yet, a "mirrorlist" personally would be appreciated, because of
acknowledgement of supporting the project, maybe on the Our Supporters page,
something like "mirrors provided by: x y z"
I hope I managed to explain myself correctly.
Jorge Guerra

2010/9/30 Christian Lohmaier

Hi Carlos, *,

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 8:56 PM, Carlos Carvalho <>
Christian Lohmaier (<>)
wrote on 30 September 2010 20:38:

Yes but it's useful to have the mirror list as well in case the user
wants to pull from another location. OpenOffice has this list. I hope
Peter will put it online when things calm down. It's not urgent.

As seen by the Link: Just append ".mirrorlist" to any of the
downloads, and you get a detailed listing, including all available
mirrors (and only those that actually carry the file.

Or browse manually, that will
give you the "details" link pointint to the .mirrorlist

But if there is reason to use another mirror, then its better to let
us/Peter know, so that either the mirror-rating can be adapted (if the
mirror is slow because too many requests or slow in general), or
because a bad mirror is chosen based on the location.

What reasons do you have in mind for choosing a different/specific mirror?

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