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Hi Sophie,

Le 2012-10-07 05:08, Sophie Gautier a écrit :
The projects mailing was about the transverse communication between the
different project and the native language communities. Unfortunately
nobody understood this purpose (may be not well communicated) and when
there is a need of information, translation, whatever exchange or
interaction, the l10n mailing list is/was used. There is a technical
difference between translation and localization, but there is a big lack
of communication between the different projects and the native language
communities, where marketing, QA, documentation, etc are done. It should
not be a discussion area but a working area.

Kind regards
Thanks for clearing this up. There should be timely reminders on that 
particular list when the information does not coincide with its purpose. 
I find that it is turning out to be another level of mailing list 
discussion rather than a projects announcement.
This explanation help a lot.



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