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Firstly, Thank You for all of your responses.

I will definitely create a wiki page about this topic on

I have already created an account.

just as a heads up... this is my first wiki page creation..

are there any pages where there are specific rules (criteria) or tips,
where i could put my wiki page? that can be given when creating a wiki page.

I will ask this in in as well..

and i will discuss this topic on zotero forums as well, i think Fabian, is
right that there should be more integration with zotero and libreoffice.

at the moment I don't have much time for me to create a fully featured wiki
page.. for discussion about referencing systems in libreoffice... but I can
create a document which will outline information about the referencing
systems as a draft, which I can then transfer the content over to the wiki
page creation. I think that is the best approach!


On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 2:43 AM, Fabian Rodriguez

On 07/15/2012 09:02 AM, lj wrote:
In response to Fabian:

Proposing ideas and bug fixes and changes in proprieterary software
probably isn't the right direction unless libreoffice have developers
are working in partnership on referencing systems in proprieterary
software. Which I believe at this stage they do not.
We agree on that.

Before going any further, I'd urge you to follow Charles advice and
formalize a wiki document with your ideas/proposal. Otherwise this will
live and die here in the mailing list unless there is some extraordinary
new, numerous groups of LibreOffice + bibliography users here :) Keep in
mind you may be proposing something that already exists in other
projects (see below).

I understand your example with microsoft onenote. A program I have used
myself, and I can understand its innovation and ideas, but that software
has broadened markets such as being available on different hardware, etc
the iOS platform and the Internet with storage of Microsoft skydrive.
My main criteria for using software is it must be free, open source.
Close second is being as good or better. If you look at mobile
applications for Zotero, you'll see you can also use OwnCloud to store
its database of documents - hosted on your own server. I try to
reproduce the same functionality, or better, with free, open source
software integration. I briefly comment on such experiments either on
JoinDiaspora or G+:

Of course the feature set *at the moment* is not complete. But it's more
often than not dictated by actual needs of its users, not mostly by
Microsoft or some other corporation which motivation #1 (and obligation
to shareholders) is profit. I also have greater influence and chances to
get fixes in such projects.

With this in mind I find it more productive to bring closer the
communities of existing products like Zotero, OwnCloud and LibreOffice,
and have them build on each other's work. The goal that you are seeking
then looks closer to me.

If I were to propose something to LibreOffice devs, it would be to
*completely remove the current bibliographic support* and
embrace/extend/integrate Zotero into LibO, perhaps as a default 3rd
party extension (much like happened recently with some grammar/spelling
dictionaries I believe). The current functionality is broken, unreliable
and requires careful understanding to wrok at a basic level, nevermind
at the same level as Zotero (with social sharing, remote storage,
standard formats, etc.).

In regards to the referencing system in LO. zotero is an extension that I
have used with LO.  Although it works very well with compatability with
its referencing systems are incompatible with Microsoft office. I think
that is an issue with LO, and Microsoft office referencing systems. I
confirm this from a email from zotero about this issue.
In my opinion you will get limited success and progress with this
approach. With the limited resources TDF has, I doubt any developer will
be working to make it easier for you to stay working with MS Office. A
better use of such resources would be to demonstrate and advocate the
use of Zotero + LibreOffice to your peers (or in the environment where
you seem to have no choice) - and fix whatever is missing to make it
easier for MS Office/Notes users to leave that platform.

As a result, I believe this is a main issue and concern with referencing
systems in LO.  compatability with properitary software referencing
etc MO.
Interoperability is important, but in this case I believe the main issue
is a component that is not critical to 100% of LIbO users, and several
interesting alternatives (including Zotero). So this is not going to get
critical priority assignment, IMO.
Referencing systems and making bibliographies I believe in LO needs to be
created for users with a simplistic default interface without add ons and
extensions to avoid in compatability with different versions of software
releases from zotero and LO.
You're describing what Zotero already does (including plugins!). Why
duplicate efforts? See my rationale above about getting those projects
working together, rather than reinventing such tools.

My problem is having a reference from libreoffice and trying to use it on
Mo. it is not compatible.
LibreOffice happens to have a basic tool for a bibliography database.
The problem is not incompatibility, the problem is having the
expectation it will become One Note (which is primarily to take notes,
not references, as I understand it) overnight (or "soon").

But. The only way to make the software more compatible for users is to
propose a new referencing system in libreoffice, that would allow the
document to be read in a format in which both office suites would
understand. An example would be PDF and integrating referencing
compatabilities in a PDF.  or referencing systems with .doc files.
I'm still not clear about this topic.
I suppose that's possible, give OneNote's format:

I'd argue with the limited/basic implementation in LibreOffice, you'd
have better chances to convince Zotero devs to approach this. Even then,
you would not be the first:

Microsoft Word already "understands" Zotero quite well, BTW - via the
clipboard. Are you allowed to use a thirs party tool like Zotero at all?
LO needs a new default  referencing system because I believe it is not
clear enough or fast enough to store references for users using
writer. There are some confusing steps involved including using the
bibliographic database where functions do not make sense.
My opinion on this as I wrote above is it should be completely removed.

LO should consider options I believe to make referencing separate from
libreoffice base and making  2 referencing systems. One that integrates a
utility with storing references using endnotes and footnotes with a
and faster design that can be used for advanced users in base to store
multiple references for a main project, with a design that is based on
storage of references only. This can be from books images videos and
websites.  and a simpler system for users that want to generate a
that is created with the usage of forms and detailed texts that can be
linked to end notes and footnotes without the reference being stored in
libreoffice base.

I encourage you to make a formal proposal, but *please* use Zotero for a
few weeks first/meanwhile.

Most of your ideas seem to be already implemented there and I fear the
LibO project could use your help in many more productive ways!


Fabian Rodriguez

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