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Hi Gary,

NoOp wrote (07-06-11 03:05)

2. @TDF: More importantly (from my POV) - what, if any, affect will this
have on TDF/LO if OOo 'dies in Apache'?

It has become clear to me the last week or so, that there is a close to fundamental difference in the approach by IBM. This has been reflected in the past, has become my understanding these weeks too (bit late, well bit naive to sometimes) in the way they were present (...) in the old OOo project. Now of course they want to gather as much support as possible around the Apache OOo project. Just as we would like to see as much as possible support around LibreOffice. If Apache OOo comes off the ground, at a certain point people will start to find the rationale - despite the existing differences - to some practical cooperation. So if OOo would die in Apache - would be a pity - that last exercise could be skipped. And people would natural start to work more in TDF. But I am well aware that there are still people disappointed or frustrated by the way TDF/LibreOffice started. Be it because they feel ignored (it simply was impossible to get all people involved at that stage) or because they were not so popular in the community, or because they felt our step was unfair in relation to all the good work that the main sponsor did over the last years, or because .. Though I have different thoughts on some of the issues, I can well understand most of the feelings and expect that at least part of those will not likely join with LibreOffice. And then of course there is IBM. In any case for the license part TDF tried as much as possible to cater for them with MPL. So that might help for a pragmatic outcome. This all in the if scenario.

Apologies if this may have already been asked&  answered. If so, can
someone point me to the appropriate messages within the hundreds of posts
&  many, many threads on the ASF incubator list, or on this list?

Well, as much letters I spend on the if-subject above, so little

Would take me some time to dig the indeed already impressive archives on this subject, to be able to point you to the answers that will not help you much further than the words I spend on this 'if-subject' above and than your own imagination. It is my experience in the discussions there that fundamental questions on the why and how of the situation are ignored or circumvented, which is fair enough understandable since it is not really what the podling in Apache is about, or even fed with FUD, which is less palatable IMO.

HTH a bit,

 (who realises that there are still some use case questions pending
  that we together worked on few weeks ago :-\ )

 - Cor

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