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adept techlists - kazar wrote:
On 4/24/11 12:04 PM, Andy Brown wrote:
The only thing I have to say is that a new forum is not needed. There
are two long time forums already supporting LibO and a new LibO forum.
The only thing that is needed/wanted is that the TDF/LibO support
pages have links to them.

Ah, OK, i just searched for "libreoffice forum" and found Uncategorized, and I believe forums
with categories are better learning tools. Plus, even though I started
from the "en." subdomain and selected English as my language on the home
page, when I registered a new account the email instructions were:
Witam kazaragain,
What do you mean by "Uncategorized"?  If you feel there is something 
that will make the forum better I am sure that it can be looked at by 
the management.


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