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Le 2010-10-16 22:35, Jon Hamkins a écrit :
On 10/16/2010 12:33 PM, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2010-10-16 15:29, j.martin.pedersen a écrit :

I will subscribe and attempt to find time to contribute.


Thanks, you are exactly the academic type of person I would be
interested in having opinions in the marketing section. We need to hear
more about academic use of LibO, advantages and drawbacks.

Note that Martin was referring to humanities and social science
academics. My experience in engineering and science is slightly
different. There is significant usage of LaTeX at many engineering
universities (I hadn't heard of anyone at my university attempting a
technical thesis using something else), and LaTeX uses BibTeX to
organize references. There are various open source bibliography
reference managers for BibTeX -- I've heard good things about Jab Ref. I
believe EndNote can export to BibTeX format, but I don't know about the
other direction. Most people I knew simply managed a BibTeX database

I think LibO could gain significant traction with the university crowd
if there were any kind of robust interaction with either LaTeX or
BibTeX. I know there is the OOoLaTeX extension, but its capabilities are
quite limited compared to using LaTeX directly. The advantage of LibO is
that it is much easier to learn and produce something without a lot of


Thanks Jon. Would you be interested in continuing this conversation on the marketing list? I have started a discussion thread "LibO in Academia" where we can discuss the missing tools for the LibO suite and how to market the suite to the Academia group as a viable and solid suite.


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