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Hi Marc, *,

Am Sonntag, 10. Oktober 2010, 14:07:39 schrieb Marc Paré:

Actually, LibO (OpenOffice) has very powerful "form" creating tools and
it follows a recognized ISO document standard
( It would
make sense, to me, to try to advertise this fact and to encourage the
use and posting of forms made with with LibO.

I know that feature and used it to create forms that could be filled out wi
th a pdf-

Then if people wanted to modify the forms, they would just have to
modify the forms, it would just be a question of re-working the LibO file.

IMHO, this is what we should be encouraging.

LibO also does a great job at creating forms and then exporting these to
.pdf format (.pdf is also an ISO document standard
( If, for example
you are creating a form for a group, you can send them both the .pdf
form (there is no real way to modify this form in whole) and the LibO
file that you used to create the form. The LibO file could then be used
to modify the form is the group wanted.

If you want to get both, you can use the PDF-Import-Extension. You can crea
te with
that extension hybrid files, that opens with the programm module, that was
used to
create the file, or with a pdf-reader.

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