Am 09.10.2010 05:00, schrieb Caio Tiago Oliveira:
Also, I don't know if there is someone here that knows how to write
the testtool scripts here contributing with this project.
The question is if we have someone willing to learn this. The
dosumentation for the scripts is quite good. With some knowledge about
OOo Basic UNO and LibO in general should be able to modifiy the scripts
within a week and write own scripts after a month or so.
Integrating without testing could be dangerous and for a few people
testing every branch (CWS) it would be boring. We can leave this
discussion for latter, but for now testtool is not one of the most
important things on QA, since we can test everything manually.
We should leave the most boring tasks to automation. But please let's
never ever fall in the trap that "automated testing will detect all
regressions" again. The effort to create, maintain and analyze the
results of complex tests scripts is (imho) in no relation to the benefit.
For the start it would be very helpful to adopt the release tests, so
that they do not fail at those points, where LibO has improved
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- Re: [tdf-discuss] QA Infrastructure (continued)
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