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       I agree.

       And I will continue to be logical, using common sense.

       And I will continue to defend those who are unfairly attacked; even
if it means being attacked myself.

       I've always followed this advice; I see no reason to cease now,

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 1:26 PM, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
Anne, what the bottom posters want is to make it awkward for people.  They
don't want you to just reply to the message.  You have to edit out the bits
that in your opinion are not relevant anymore so that their message becomes
 your interpretation of what they might have been trying to say.  Then you
answer the message you think they wanted ignoring anything they might have
actually said.  It means that there is no way to show context without going
back to an earlier copy of the posting.

Notice that the Netiquette guide is from several decades ago, it's
pre-hand-helds, pre-tablets, even pre-mobile-phones.  It's deeply routed in
ancient technology and old ways of doing things from an era that has long
since gone.
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Florian Effenberger <>
Sent: Thursday, 9 May 2013, 18:35
Subject: Re: [tdf-moderators] Mailing list behavior


anne-ology wrote on 2013-05-09 19:18:
        What's the matter with Jonathan's method?

        And Top-posting is the most logical method;
            otherwise you have to re-read what you've already read in
to see the new bit.
                [are bottom-posters so forgetful???]

        HOW can you condemn Jonathan's behaviour  ???

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