Hi Jonathan,
Jonathan Aquilina píše v Čt 09. 05. 2013 v 17:58 +0200:
that is a very valid question.
I appreciate your energy you spend here, but can you please decrease the
amount of mail you write to tdf-moderators@? A message like "that is a
very valid question" adds no value; I am sure somebody with the plan
here (like Florian) will answer regardless of this.
Also - please notice that top-posting is very unwelcome in the mailing
lists. I am sure you do this because gmail hides the context for you -
but consider the people who are not using gmail. Just click the [...]
in the gmail interface to see how the mails of the others look, and
compare to your own mails - answers at the top (the top-posting) is
wrong an mailing lists, and moderators should be the first people who
discourage that.
So if you want to be a moderator, I you first should improve your
mailing list behavior yourself - can you do that? If you continue to
use gmail, start by clicking the [...] in the reply input box, type the
message _under_ the context you are referring to, and _delete_
everything what is not relevant. You will save tremendous amount of
time of the readers of your messages.
I can do that My apologies Kendy will mess about with the layout of gmail
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