From: Sophie Gautier <gautier.sophie@gmail.com>
To: moderators@documentfoundation.org
Sent: Thursday, 9 May 2013, 20:55
Subject: Re: [tdf-moderators] Mailing list behavior
Hi Anne, Tom,
On 09/05/2013 21:19, anne-ology wrote:
I agree.
And I will continue to be logical, using common sense.
And I will continue to defend those who are unfairly attacked; even
if it means being attacked myself.
I've always followed this advice; I see no reason to cease now,
Could you please agree that we have a policy and that as a group we have
to follow the rules the group has voted on. We are not here to play or
joke, but to work. For developers, for most of the contributors in all
the areas of the project, it's more effective to have bottom and
targeted replies: we take the last mail of the thread and read the most
important parts because each poster has taken care of the time of others
by removing the non relevant parts of his answer.
The attack was not unfair, but purely moderation, and it's bit strange
to have to moderate moderators. But I can understand that this is your
first time with this work and that you have to learn, we are here to
help you for that.
We all have a lot of work, in and out of the project. We all want the
project to be effective for our users, but in the same time that people
are agreeable to each other, and that means respecting some rules, they
may be old or whatever, this is the one however we have agreed on. You
are free to disagree and leave the moderation, but we don't want that.
We are happy to have you here, all who have join to help and dedicate
their time to the project, but if we want to be able to work together,
respecting each other, the Netiquette is the tool we have for that.
Kind regards
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