Hi Elton, *,
On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 4:08 AM, Elton Chung <elton@elton.tk> wrote:
I am now being a mirror provider of LibreOffice, but I would just like to
know why we are not using SourceForge as part of our downloading mirrors?
Well, I don't see the need - but I remember that it's not the first
time someone suggested sourceforge.
Although we have more than 40 mirrors currently, we still don't have mirrors
in Taiwan,
Yes, but Taiwan as a region is so small,
We have lots of powerful mirrors in Europe though...
There is one
(and also one in New Caledonia )
True - but probably good connection to the ones in Europe? (no idea)
And SF provides mirrors from these countries.
Could using SF provide better downloading speed of LibO in these areas?
Well - hard to tell....
is it impossible to use SF?
I guess - LO takes a couple of GB, I doubt that SF will just require
unlimited file-storage from their mirrors, so you cannot just add
10GB and assume it will be available on all sourceforge mirrors, so
even if SF might have mirrors in those reasons, you cannot assume it
will be available from those.
As the sf mirrors are meant as download source for the projects hosted
as SF, I'd consider the use of their mirror network just to host our
releases as abuse of their network, let alone the technical issues (I
don't think sourceforge will rsync from our server, and let alone
letting us push our downloads to their server)
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