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El 09/03/11 13:30, Charles-H. Schulz escribió:
He will never behave in the proper way. We all know him, and the
>  damages he has done to the OOo Spanish community (which has never
>  been a real community). If we continue to keep the door open we will
>  never get a transparent situation, and the outside world will
>  continue to think that we are behind Alexandro.
Italo, that's exactly what I'm saying:-)  Although banning Alexandro
is, well, perhaps something we can study later on.
wow... you believe that this is the solution!!!

ok.. you have the power in LibO...

Please... Alexandro "and his friends" (in your words) is the major contributors in the spanish community.. if don't believe in my words... please, search in the archieve of lists, and spanish forum.
Is very simple cut the hands of one contributor... but is very dificult 
find another one... of the same size.
Alexandro isn't the trouble... you know what is?

Best regards.

Prof. Román H. Gelbort
Piensa Libre - Partner oficial de Español

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