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Gianluca Turconi wrote:
Il 01/11/2010 23.51, Thorsten Behrens ha scritto:
So I guess moving on&  extending ODF is a feature, not a bug - of
course, for those who need it, you want a "strict mode" (which we
Extending ODF *in agreement with* at least two other vendors is a
feature, because you're reasonably sure that feature will be
implemented in ODF specification.

Hi Gianluca,

yeah, that was implied - having two other vendors on board is the
best way to get enough votes for your additions in the ODF TC.

Simply extending ODF (with good features, of course) on a vendor
basis is just fragmentation, IMO.

A healthy dose of vendor-specific extensions is one of the hallmarks
of a working ecosystem, if you ask me - at least if you want for ODF
to be the default document format. ;)

Fragmentation is only a problem, if you end up with lock-in - maybe
an opportunity for ODF Next to re-evaluate its mechanisms for
extensibility & fallbacks.


-- Thorsten

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