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Robert Derman skrev 2010-10-29 21:59:
Jussi Silvonen wrote:
2010/10/29 RGB ES <>

Writer have a good tradition of tools that helps the build of complex
documents (styles, styles and more styles!).
What I would like to see instead of more direct formatting tools, is a
redesign of the way styles are defined to easy the learning curve of
new users.
I may be odd in this but at times all the beautiful automation in Styles just seems to get in the way! I would like to see Writer add a "Typewriter Mode" that turns off ALL the automation of Styles and lets you do a totally manual formatted document. Is there anyone else that agrees with me on this?

Hi, if you open the Help document (e.g. in Writer) and look after " Manual or automatic formating" you could fine how to write a ducument as if you are using a "typerwriter"
 My best  regards Carlos

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