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On 08/05/2013 21:59, Florian Effenberger wrote:

I've changed the subject to reflect the changed message topic.

Tom Davies wrote on 2013-05-08 21:57:
Ahah, could we have a special list for Base?  Not for any of the other
modules/apps because they are not so desperately in need of cross-list
collaboration in order to get some basics working.

Would there be any supporters? My gut feeling tells me it doesn't make
much sense to have a dedicated list for one module. I only would be in
support of that if we have already a "critical mass" of subscribers who
actively would like to contribute to such a list.

Yes, no need to disperse our resources, we already know who are the db
specialists, we can ping them is there is an urgent need. Also, that
won't in any way enhance the HSQLDB development/support in our project.
Good information that this is a SOHO base and not a Access replacement
although a good front end for other open source rdbs, should be enough.

Kind regards
Sophie Gautier <>
Membership & Certification Committee Member - Co-founder
The Document Foundation

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