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On Thu, 2013-05-09 at 10:29 +0100, Tom Davies wrote:
It's a bit difficult to prove or disprove without having even just a trial period.  

        Sure we have to make a decision based on our experience. Then again,
having a clear, focused purpose and audience to the list would be good;
ultimately if it's for developers & base QA - I'm not completely against
trying it: but I'd want that to be lead by those hacking on base ATM -
ie. Lionel.

I'd not heard about the Firebird issue.  Could i pass that around to a
few other people that are working on different aspects of Base, such
as those in documentation, the users list and such or is it better
kept as a secret?

        Lets wait with anything public until the GSOC projects are finally
announced - which is the end of the month, a private heads-up is of
course fine.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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