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Hi :)
Ahah, could we have a special list for Base?  Not for any of the other modules/apps because they 
are not so desperately in need of cross-list collaboration in order to get some basics working.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

From: Michael Bauer <>
Sent: Wednesday, 8 May 2013, 19:27
Subject: Re: [tdf-moderators] Closing down a list?

Many thanks!


08/05/2013 19:11, sgrìobh Florian Effenberger:

Michael Bauer wrote on 2013-05-07 20:04:
Is it possible to close down the gd list? There really is no point to
it, the only incoming mail is spam and there are many other ways of
contacting the "team" (me) such as the global list or the language teams
page on the wiki. So it just adds to the hurricane doing its daily dance
in my inbox (compounded by me being on the moderators list as I'm the
sole team member and lead).

I have deleted that list per your request.


*Akerbeltz <>*
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