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HI *,

On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 5:20 PM, Elton Chung <> wrote:
Hi Florian, *,
Just guessing., maybe this is due to the Javascripts (Google Analytics &
Search) inside the index page?

Nope, it is related to the index page, but unrelated to javascript or stuff.

The problem is that the dirlisting is no standard apache listing, and
matches lighthttp listing that the parser assumes, but it fails to
detect entries as directories correctly.

the problem is that "check whether entry ends in a slash" fails
because the / is outside of the link-label

"<a href="libreoffice">libreoffice</a>/"

and thus it treats the libreoffice as file entry and the size column
contains "-" so it cannot compare.

The size is used to determine whether the specific file is larger than
2 or 4 GB and whether the mirror needs to be double-checked for being
able to hand out large files - and that is when the error is spit out.

Or the URL is wrong? (

Nope, that is the one used in the database.
Log story short, I changed the parser to also accept the string
"Directory" as a marker for dir-entries. So now scanning should work
with ibiblio mirror as well
(@flo: see line 640 in /usr/bin/scanner)

I had it scanned and enabled.


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