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Hi José Manuel,

Am 28.12.2010 um 22:20 schrieb José Manuel Macías:
On 12/28/10 8:09 PM, "Dr. Peter Pöml" wrote:

The reason is the directory layout., the base directory of
your mirror, contains the subdirectories "src" and "testing".
However, we require that the "libreoffice" directory must be found at
the top level (which contains the former two).


Thus, if you create and put 
"libreoffice" inside, just like the structure you see on, everything will work as it 

Done.  New links (should be changed) are:


I have just removed  the previous links. Please update.

Updated; you now get requests.

This is mentioned in but maybe it
needs to be clarified further?

I had read this page, but missed this... my apologies. I think it's
clear enough... perhaps MB should be more verbose and tell that our
structure was not the expected one?

The existance of directories that are "foreign" to the TDF structure might not be a good check 
maybe, because mirrors frequently have additional directories or files for various reasons, often 
of local nature.

It would be possible though to add a plausibility check whether some file or directory exists on 
all mirrors. Mirrors can be partial and are free to mirror just what they want, but one or several 
such checks could be used to warn about mirrors that don't have known files. Possible. 

I committed a change in MB that makes this possible in an easy way. 

The newly implemented command finds one mirrors to look at:

 mb dirs --missing libreoffice

...which is indeed an error. The URLs of the mirror worked in the past, and I'll contact the 
mirror's operators about it.

Thanks for your input!
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