this is to inform you about a new mirror we have just set up in
Spain, here's the information as requested in the wiki:
* URLs:
* if you intend to sync pre-release content from the stage server,
we'll need your mirror source IP address or hostname to give you access
there. We'd also like your assertion that your mirror/rsync script runs
under a different user id than your rsync/ftp/http daemons.
Not interested for now.
* a name and contact email address where we can reach you
Either me: José-Manuel Macías <jmanuel.macias@rediris.es> or better the
generic one: RedIRIS FTP Master <ftp@rediris.es>
* the name and URL of the operator, e.g. your organisation, or
sponsor if you prefer (for informational purposes). Example:
RedIRIS - Spanish Academic and Research Network
* some info about your network connection cannot harm: bandwidth and
traffic limits, so we can give your mirror appropriate priority.
1G ul/dl, no traffic limits.
* if you want to have redirections to your mirror limited in scope,
please tell us. We can ensure that we send you only clients from your
network prefix, from your autonomous system, or from your country.
As there no other mirrors in Spain, it's ok if you send us all the
clients from Spain.
José Manuel.
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- [tdf-mirrors] New mirror in Spain · José Manuel Macías
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