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2010.12.05 17:28, Jonathan Aquilina rašė:
On 12/5/10 4:12 PM, Rimas Kudelis wrote:
2010.12.05 16:36, Jonathan Aquilina rašė:
When you say except ourselves who are you referring to? developers. end users who?

mirror admins.

I disagree with that Rimas. Even the end users would want a list of the mirrors as well. for instance what if someone wants to find a mirror close to them to download from whats going to be done then without a list?

What happens is:
1) MirrorBrain chooses the closest mirror automatically
2) If for some reason you want to choose a different mirror manually, there is an automatic mirror list for EACH FILE you may want to download. Like the one at .

Does that solve your problem?


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