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On 10/13/2010 10:30 AM, "Dr. Peter Pöml" wrote:

Am 13.10.2010 um 18:09 schrieb NoOp:

The correct one is 7f2f05d2b65471b63f37eaaae8264946

 You can use a Metalink client, a Torrent client or rsync to repair
your download, if needed.

Would it be possible to put up an md5sum file similar to: so that
downloads can be checked?

I would generally recommend to use a hash from the download server
for reference, and not from a mirror.

The crypto hashes need to be made more present on the download page.
Sorry that you had to look so hard, I hope we can improve on this


Carlos sent me the md5sum file & I was able to verify on the second
downoad. But I see (as you pointed out) on the primary server:
and clicking on 'Details' take you to webpage link you pointed out -

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